domenica 5 marzo 2017

Ecological Car by Henry Ford countered by A. Mellon with a law only for personal interest in petroleum!

1941 HENRY FORD and ECOLOGICAL CAR (in hemp fibers and fueled by bioethanol) countered by A. Mellon, that only for personal economics interests in petroleum, promoted a low against it and all the follow 25.000 natural substitutes to petroleum and derivatives prodocts!

who had business interests on deforestation and oil
have managed to create death pain and destruction of the planet, following the summary.

Around the world for Thousands of years our ancestors with hemp they cared and fed to Things That produced today are made from oil or wood, SILK BY THE ROPES AND SHIP SAILS TO MACHINE RUBBER SHEETS BAGS CLOTHING SURFBOARDS ECC. even deodorants MEDICINE FOOD and HOUSES.
One day in America Announced That a new machine would allow him to speed up the whole process hemp. But there were problems:
1) William Ralph Herst, a major industrial newspaper, had invested millions of dollars buying up forests with trees to be felled to make paper, hemp competition would be ruined.
2) Lammont Dupont, petrochemical mogul was producing plastic nylon stockings etc. all petroleum derivatives, And Also wearing hemp would be ruined.
3) Both they were funded by the then Minister of the American Andrew Mellon Treasury to rescue investment appoint 'as director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics Harry J. Anslinger's future son-in with the task of publicly demonizing cannabis, Also helped by the Hearst newspapers and the media, and make it illegal on the grounds That the result of the resin was opiate and we could die our children!
A smear campaign That the port 'gradually make illegal hemp around the world, while it was used for 10,000 years with huge property' So THAT even Hanry Ford we had built at his car as sturdy as steel and almost unbreakable windows That do not even chipped with hammers.
In Additions to its undeniable potential as a natural and renewable alternative to a synthetic world, hemp has properties' healing known since 2800 BC effective on many diseases including cancer: eminent researchers and scientists like Dr. Sean McAllister of CPMC Associate Scientist San Francisco Already have 'proven efficacy against breast cancer That Kills 41,000 American women each year, but despite this hemp is still illegal!
A war declared at a plant just for Treasurers interests Which Caused and continues to cause death, pain and destruction of the planet with deforestation wild INCREASE in global warming extinction of animal species environmental chemical air pollution ...
These are the real criminals in the world, and people who know and are silent accomplices!

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