domenica 13 marzo 2022

La Mia Risposta

Guerra, COVID, Forze del Male, la mia risposta a questo attacco all'Umanita' si sviluppa nel piano energetico dove le forze del Bene, della Creazione, di Dio, della Donna, dell'Uomo, del Popolo, richiamate allineate e potenziate nella Hono Haka, sono invincibili inarrestabili e a nostra protezione.

lunedì 7 marzo 2022

"Hono" Haka Choir Tutorial for a spiritual path in vibrant energetic preyer mantra meditation in action. LESSON 1 - The Choir Verse

"Hono" Haka Choir Tutorial

For this vibrant energetic ritual prayer mantra meditation in action practice, the first step is to learn and repeat the Choir Verse: "Kia Kiano Naihoki"

LESSON 1 "Introduction to Haka" (video of preparation for the choir "Hono" version. Everyone can participate, soon live in Naiharn, Suan Luang and possibly online) Honor and Thanks to the Maori and their sacred dance of connection with the forces of creation and love which, by integrating my daily formal meditation practice, produces added results and benefits. Someone asked me to teach it and then I share this video with you too, in case someone is interested in joining the group you can practice the chorus mantra (in the video) that will have to be repeated 20 times (accompanying the leader as a continuo up to at the end of the execution). This, which in some ways is a prayer, a rite, a thanksgiving with joy and gratitude to life, becomes for those who also want a driving force for energy intentions of Love and Justice that with Joy and Gratitude nourish the egregore of belonging even simply with the vibrations deriving from visions connected to the energy of the words themselves that we mentally revitalize. Remembering that we must never believe in anything that we do not experience in person, whoever wants to can in the meantime learn from here by deepening something of history and meaning in the following notes and repeating twenty times, even mentally for exercise, the mantra in the video: "Kia Kiano Naihoki 😉.

Note: The most powerful transforming force is love and the intensity with which we make thoughts, sounds, gestures, emotions, intentions, visions, visualizations vibrate, determines the materialization of the transformation we want to take place ... few know that the Haka is not only a war ritual but at the same time a real art of celebrating and participating in creation with all the forces of nature. With the "Ka Mate" Haka, we reverberate together with new and ancient energies of generations, specifically celebrating the salvation of a defeated, chased and now alone Maori King, escaped from death hidden in a hole and miraculously protected by a "hairy man" (what a coincidence maybe it was me) until I saw the light of the sun again. With "Taku Mana e" instead, we celebrate, align and interact with the united forces of Creation, therefore God, the Good, all the elements and man, woman, people, united family. Here is the text and the translation of the two Hakas that I "Connected" in a single performance: (Haka means connection) Text and translation of the Haka Unite which we will call "Hono Kotahi" (Hono means connection, Kotahi means unite) "Hono Kotahi" Haka text and translation Taringa Whakarongo! - Listen! Kia Rite! Kia Rite! - Prepare yourself! Ready! Kia Mau! - In position! Ringa Ringa Pakia! - Clap your hands against your thighs! Waiwai Takahia Kia Kiano Nai Hoki! - Stomp your feet as hard as you can! A Kia Kiano Nai Hoki! - As loud as you can! Ka Mate, Ka Mate! - It's death, it's death! Ka now! - That's life Ka Mate, Ka Mate! - It's death, it's death! Ka Now! - That's life! Tenei Te tangata Puhuruhuru - Here is the hairy man Naana naitiki Mai fako fhiti Te Ra - He is the one who made the sun shine on me To Upane! Ka Upane! - One more step! One more step! Upake Kaupane! - Another one up high Whiti Te Ra! - The sun shines Hi! - Get up (TAKU MANA E) Ha ha Kai a waite manna 2 (Who has the power?) Manna uahine manna tane (Power of women, power of man) Whakakotahi, hiiiii, haaaaa, hiiiii (unite) Toronno cai ua ho (make it emerge) (sound: kssssssss) (verse: bleaaaahhhhh) Manna tangata (strength of the people) Manna Venwa (force of the earth) Manna Atua (strength of the elements, of God, of Well) Manna Wahine (strength of women) Manna burrows (strength of man) hiiiiii (Come On) Ohhh Te Whano Kotahi kia takara (united family be strong) Manna manna takumanna ehh (Power Power Power) 

Hiiii (Force - Come on - verse: yuck)